Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Couple Of Little Projects & Some Neat Finds

A little art project of mine
which is now
for sale in my shop.
"Cupid's Kiss" is the
name of the sheet
music I used behind the
What to do with orphan or
chipped tea cups.
Adorable little pin
cushions , also now
for sale in my shop.
I found another 2 handled
tea cup!
(Or bullion cup )
I rarely see these & now I've
gotten two very recently.
This gem was 50 cents.
I love this book !
The title got to me
because I have a sister-in-law
"Janet" who will be the
recipient of this book.
This book is from 1897 &
I paid 50 cents !
I'm hoping Janet will
get a kick out of this
when I send it to her.
I started reading it &
it's too cute.


susan said...

Hi Sue,
I love your sweet little creations - and those fun bargain finds too! That book is such a treasure!
Hope to see you soon.
Sue :)

Boris said...


aimee said...

what is that two handled cup used for? i hope thats not a dumb question :) i collect tea cups, but just have never known what the two handled cups are for. very sweet pincushions! what a great gift. my middle name is janet.