Monday, June 24, 2013

I've Been So Busy With My Shop !

 It's been 3 years now & 
my shop continues to grow !
 But with growing it keeps 
me busier than ever.
 Recently I've been adding a little
Country Store vibe to my shop.
 I now carry maple syrup 
right from my own town. 
And I've also paired up with a girl who 
owns her own chocolate shop & makes 
incredible chocolates !

These additions have added
a great dimension to my 
already eclectic shop.

My customers have been delighted.

And so have I !

People have been lovin'
 my shop & that in itself
means so much to me.

I keep striving to add to my
mix and carry a little bit of everything.


 Still knitting away too !


susan said...

Just catching up on your recent posts, Sue. You are such a busy girl. I can't believe it's already been 3 years since you first opened Trinkets! What an adventure it's been! The new additions to the shop look wonderful - anything to eat always looks yummy to me!
Will stop in to see you soon.

Love, Susan xo

Attic Clutter said...

oh I love your shop (:)
everything is beautiful...

Linda said...

What a beautiful shop! Greetings from Montreal, Canada.

Susan said...

Hello! Looks like a lovely shop. I'm in western Mass. Do you buy things for your shop, too? Susan