Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Dinner At The Public House In Sturbridge , Ma.

This is where my husband &

I have been enjoying

Christmas dinner

the last couple of years.

We usually celebrate the

holiday earlier with our

families . So on

Christmas day this is

just very relaxing &

perfect for just the 2 of us.

It's an old beautiful historic

Inn and the food is


The rooms are all so pretty &

the smell of wood fires burning

is in the air.

This year we'll be dining in

The Pumpkin Room .

We usually over- indulge &
enjoy a wonderful leisurely
dinner & when we get home
it's usually time to
relax in our jammies
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Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a pretty place to enjoy dinner. Hope you are enjoying this Holiday Season.

susan said...

Sounds like a perfect Christmas Day, Sue - so relaxing and laid-back! I love the Public House!

xo sue

Earlene said...

oOOvery nice!!!
Happy Holidays!

Unknown said...

I must admit we have never visited the Public House..but it is on our list of where we might go for our anniversary this coming February! The last photo, is that the Pumkin room? It looks like it is set for more than 2..and can you select what room you want reservation in? We just had my B-day dinner at the Wayside Inn..I aksed for the Tap Room section..I love to go out for dinner!