Saturday, October 9, 2010

New House

Well we all know that I needed a
new house !
I couldn't help it, I
found this brand new house
at a tag sale for only $15.00!
Another dollhouse will join
my neighborhood of three
other homes and a small store.
This is what we refer to as my
" dollhouse room". My make shift store on one shelf I borrowed from my music box collection. My little fantasy room .
The fairies and their Fairy House have now moved in with me in my little studio/office. The box cover for my new house says it "can be put together in 30 minutes". They lie. It takes more than 30 minutes to open and unpack all the pieces and read the directions. Then you have to start by gluing certain pieces together & letting them dry well. I'm sure I'll be done in a couple of weeks.. LOL.
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Glenda/MidSouth said...

Congrats. on your new home! :-D
Yes they do lie - The one I put together many years ago was suppose to be one of the easier ones to put together. Won't do that again. I still have a lot of work to do on the San Franciscan. I need to just get it done or get rid of it. I cleaned out a bunch of minis recently and sent a box of stuff home with my daughter.
Enjoy your weekend.

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Sue!

Oh please keep showing us your dollhouses! I adore them! Mine is packed away from moving and won't come out til my granddaughters are a little older and gentler with things LOL.
30 minutes?? In their dreams!! More like 30 days for me! The little store is great. That's what I wanted to do next after my Victorian dollhouse but it didn't happen. And the fairy house, how cute. I love them all!!

Hugs, Sherry