Thursday, September 30, 2010

Welcoming Fall In My Shop !

I just love my little shop !
I've been in business exactly
7 months now & things are going
really well. My shop is growing
quickly as is my clientele.
New people are finding me
daily & lovin' my shop as
soon as they enter the door.
Right now they are greeted by
beautiful piano music , a wonderful
scented candle , the chirping of
my two little finches in the
background & Fall !
People are grabbing up anything I
put out that has to do with Fall.
Most have had enough of the long
hot summer and are welcoming the
change in seasons.
My pumpkin oatmeal spice soaps
are flying off of the shelves.
My apple crisp soap too !
My shop has been called...
"cute" , "eclectic",
"wonderful", "great",
" a treasure trove" &
" I love this shop"
"what a fun shop!".
All things that I am so happy
and proud to hear after
only 7 months.
I have filled my shop with such a mixture
of things that it has now become
the kind of shop that people
have to walk around more than
once just to see everything.
Many customers will be singing along
with my piano music & they also
stop to talk to my two little shop birds.
I already wish my shop was bigger
because I want to keep stuffing
it with more and more treasures.
So many people leave my shop smiling
because they have found themselves
a treasure and at an affordable price.
I've totally accopmlished what I've
set out to do.
A cheerful little relaxing and
casual shop.
A place for fun , treats,
and surprises tucked here
and there.
I leave my door open every day &
love to greet people as they enter.
It makes me feel the greatest
when they are still standing in
the doorway and say
" Wow , what a great little shop!"
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Glenda/MidSouth said...

Glad to hear your shop is doing so well.

A Wild Thing said...

It is truly a blessing owning a shop of own, we've wished upon a star and our whims were answered, creating and making smiles along the way, is a path we were lucky to have found...keep up the good work, you're onto something there!..Your home and gardens are beautiful!!!


Monica said...

I'm really happy for you! You arranged things beautifully, and those pumpkins at the door... my oh my! Great! Maybe I'll be visiting one day...

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Oh Sue I LOVE your little shop!! I wish I could come visit it!! You've got to keep showing us pics of it. At least we can "pretend" we're there shopping.
May the Lord keep blessing you with happiness & great success in your darling shop, he knows the desires of our hearts and has blessed you with many of yours.

Love & hugs, Sherry