Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A New Collection

There's something about

these two handled

tea cups that I just love.

I had three of them in my

shop and then found one

more and thought they

were so pretty that I decided

to take them home.

I don't see too many of these
in my travels and now I'm
really on the lookout for them.
I couldn't find too much
information on these
double handled cups either
so if you know about them
please let me know.
I plan on sipping hot tea
out of them on a brisk
fall or winter day.
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Edie Marie's Attic said...

I don't know much about them either but they are so adorable aren't they? Hope we find out more about them. Yours are lovely!

Hugs, Sherry

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Is is a Jewish hand washing cup? Check out this site: