Sunday, July 18, 2010

Brimfield July Show 2010

Well , as of today the July
Brimfield show is all done.
We'll see most of these
vendors back here in
This past week was just
a scorcher in Brimfield ,
in the high 90s all week.
I wonder how many of
these train cases were sold.
This picture was taken
on Tuesday which was
openning day.
Of course there is always
an eclectic selection
of fine art !
There's alot of neat things
here in this tent.
Some of you might know
this vendor.
I know her now because I finally
searched her out this time in Brimfield.
Ever since I found out on her
blog that she does Brimfield shows
her blog has been on my favorites list.
I've tried to stop and say HI
to her in the past but she must have
been out roaming the fields.
I was very happy to finally meet
Tricia of
What a very nice person she is.
Her tent was filled with great
treasures. We gabbed for a few
minutes about our blogs & our shops
but finally I had to let her go
because her tent was so busy.
I hope you sold lots Tricia !
See you next show.
I just loved this doll,
she was a beauty ! I hope a few of these were sold too this past week. I wouldn't want to be the one that has to pick them all up ! Good-bye Brimfield Antiques show, See ya in September.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Hope you did well at the show. The big flea market was this weekend, but did not go. To hot and did not want to deal with the parking situation in the heat. Have not been in a long time - to many vendors with made in china imported things and others with over the top prices.
Have a great week.

Traci said...

Look at all those vintage suitcases!! I've been checking our e-bay for a couple to use as props during photo shoots...look like this would have been lots of fun if I wasn't stuck in Georgia! );
Thanks so much for following my blog!

Olga Poltava said...

What a show! I've never been to any places like that. I love that doll too. She looks kind of sad as if she is waiting for someone to take her home, comb her hair, etc.
Thanks for visiting my blog.

Unknown said...

Going to the Brimfield Show is on my bucket list of things I want to do!
So fun to see it "Live" vs. through a magazine!
Please send your address to me, I have a little goodie from my June give away for you...The Cupcake Walk.
Happy Summer!

debi lynn mattingly said...

Hi sweetie!

Looks like you saw some really great things and got to visit with some new friends! xo...deb

Attic Clutter said...

How fun -neat photos SUZEEEE and thanks so much on my redhead(:) hugs,Patty

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

I bet it was so much fun! I love looking at all the whimsical items people love. That mermaid caught my eye, that would be a conversation piece for sure. Thanks for sharing, just think, when you go back it will be so much cooler!

Monica said...

So sweet of you to leave a lovely note! Thank you! I wish I could buy some of those treasures! They look fantastic! Thanks for sharing with us.